As a country we need to recognize that Free trade creates jobs and benefits a county economically as a whole… the citizens of the United States need to start thinking of our country as a publicly traded stock with our actions either increasing or decreasing our country’s “Value” on a daily basis. If this notion could be created and we could get the general populace to feel like real ‘stake holders’ then we would be able to move in unison on major issues (i.e. healthcare, social security, trade, partner countries, etc…) and lobbyist groups would not have their strangle hold on this country.
A perfect example of this situation where Free Trade, jobs and our country’s “Value” are being impacted by lobbyists is the recent issue between Boeing and Delta Airlines. Recently, Boeing has been trying to ensure that the United States Ex-Im Bank loans are available for their increased trade sales pending to Air India; however, Delta Airline has been using their lobby power to prevent Boeing from getting access to the additional credit so Boeing would not be able to sell additional planes to Air India, one of Delta’s main competitors internationally. Delta Airlines has not been able to compete successfully with Air India on the Newark-Mumbai route. If Delta is not competitive then this is an issue that they have to strategically fix internally. It is not appropriate for Delta to use its influence with Senator Cantor from Virginia to sabotage the growth of one our country’s last major industries and the 1000s of jobs that weigh in the balance. The DeIta Lobby as well as the many other Lobby groups continually pull our country’s real “Value” lower and lower each day, while increasing the value of other countries and companies such as AirBus. AirBus would be a clear winner if Delta gets their way in this situation along with the other countries that provide labor/jobs for the Airbus production.
I am not speaking as a Republican or Democrat…this is a bipartisan issue.
This just happens to be a clearly black and white example that illustrates ‘Free Trade’ must be protected and encouraged as a vital part of a country’s existence.
I just want the people of the United States to come out of their 60 year comma, come together, and say “No” by voting in masses again for candidates that speak for the people!